“A Call to Farms” is a sixty-page, self-published pamphlet reflecting on the first summer drift of what would soon be called Compass, a loose collaboration of artists and writers investigating the histories and futures of resistant culture in what we call the Midwest Radical Culture Corridor. I edited the pamphlet, coordinated its design and printing, and wrote the introduction and concluding chapter.
Claire Pentecost
Jessica Lawless and Sarah Ross
Lisa Bralts-Kelly
Brett Bloom and Bonnie Fortune
Ryan Griffis
Mike Wolf
Martha Boyd and Naomi Davis
Rebecca Zorach
Nicolas Lampert
The Langby Family
Eric Haas
Sarah Holm
Brian Holmes
Dan S. Wang
Sarah Kanouse
Kanouse, Sarah et al. “A Call to Farms: Continental Drift Through the Midwest Radical Culture Corridor”. Viroqua, WI: The Heavy Duty Press, 2008, 1 and 43-50.
Download as PDF: A Call to Farms