Going to prison in Illinois often means going downstate. Correctional centers are frequently located in small, rural towns quite distant from major population centers and often unserviced by public transportation. Prison communities are frequently majority white, and, in the not-so-distant past, more than a few were “Sundown Towns” – communities that violently excluded African Americans from settling. This counter-map of the Illinois correctional landscape offers a glimpse into the economies of money and (im)mobility produced by prisons in the state. Photographs by Lauren Zadikow.
Download as PDF: Going Downstate
Chicago, IL – Museum of Contemporary Art, “Mapping the Self”
Chicago, IL – Gallery 400, “An Atlas of Radical Cartography”
Chicago, IL – Hyde Park Art Center, “Pedagogical Factory”
Chicago, IL – Museum of Contemporary Art, Artist’s Books and Sound
Kanouse, Sarah and Lauren Shrensel-Zadikow, “Going Downstate,” AREA: Art Research Education Activism, Vol. 4 (2007) page 20.